General Corporate and Business Articles
The following topics are discussed in the articles listed below. Just click on “General Corporate and Business” to the left to find the article, and then click on the article you wish to review. A summary of each article is provided below.
Business Names and Trademarks
Business owners must confront and resolve a number of considerations concerning the legal names that attach to their businesses. There are important distinctions regarding the various names and trademarks a business might use.
Comparing Sub S Corporations and LLCs
One of the most frequent questions we get from aspiring entrepreneurs prepared to start their own company is: “what is the difference between a Subchapter S Corporation and a Limited Liability Company?” The short answer for most is: “not much.” Nonetheless, there are important practical and legal differences between the two entities. This article introduces a few considerations.
Combining the Benefits of the S Corporation and the LLC
The LLC form of business entity offers many advantages of flexibility in its ownership and management options. The Subchapter S Corporation offers lower tax rates for dividends and other qualifying distributions. Some businesses can reap the advantages of both business forms.
Storming the Castle: Owners’ Exposure to Company Debts and Liabilities
Asset protection is a key consideration for business owners and professionals who organize or incorporate their enterprises. The use of a legal entity is helpful, but entrepreneurs and professionals must fully understand the limits to asset protection they get from such legal entities.
Securing the Castle: Legal Tools Which Protect Business Owners
Asset protection is a key consideration for business owners and professionals who organize or incorporate their enterprises. Entrepreneurs and professionals need to understand and
properly use the tools at their disposal to protect their personal fiefdoms.